Career Search

Searching for a career can be an overwhelming task.It is never too early to begin the research process.To assist in narrowing down the options and achieving your goals, we have compiled a list of websites that may be of some assistance.(Sites from other areas such as financial aid and college websites may also have career information)


Successful job-seekers use cover letters, resumes, and thank you letters to impress employers favorably and present qualifications for employment clearly, concisely, and effectively.

Cover Letters( Discusses format and content of the cover letter.

Quick Guide to Resume Writing( Gives advice concerning how to write various sections of the resume.

Job Search Correspondence( Provides sample cover letters, thank you letters, and acceptance letter.


Being invited to a job interview generally means that your cover letter and resume were effective. These web sites offer suggestions concerning how to prepare for and conduct yourself during job and informational interviews.

Mock Interview Rubic (

Art of Interviewing Well (

Informational Interviewing ( Outlines steps to follow in conducting informational interviews


This is one of the most comprehensive college information sites. It includes complete information for all College Board tests and programs, a searchable database of colleges, financial aid information, a fee-based essay evaluation service, online shopping, and more.

PRINCETON REVIEW ( This is another comprehensive college information site.It includes information for college searches, financial aid, parent sections, student sections, and more.

OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK HANDBOOK ( Includes job descriptions located by title and by subject category.

MICHIGAN OCCUPTIONAL INFORMATIONAL SYSTEM ( Career interest survey matches career titles with interests, perceived aptitudes and experiences.

CAREER GUIDE ( Interest survey includes occupational clusters and job title descriptions.

Occupational Outlook Handbook is a federally produced document outlining information for many career fields and career cluster areas:

List of Colleges and Universities Fast and easy way to find college webpages.

College Link - free test preps:

College scape provides information on majors and colleges:

My College Guide provides information on majors and colleges:

Peterson's College & University/information provides and overview of colleges and ranks them:

Listing of job sites, information on resume writing, job interview preparation:

United States Coast Guard ( provides information on the coast guard programs.

United States Army Recruiting ( Provides information on army recruiting

The United States Marine Corps ( Provides information on the marine requirements

The Air Base ( Provides information on the air force

United States Naval Academy ( An informational site for academies.

USMA United States Military Academy West Point ( An informational site for the academy

United States Air Force Academy ( An informational site for the academy

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