It is our intent to provide you with online access to the career, personal/social, and academic information available through our department.
Education should provide the foundation by which people will make decisions and function effectively within a changing society. Education should recognize and celebrate the individual accomplishments of individuals as it fosters individual growth. Ultimately, this growth will enhance the intellectual, physical, technological, emotional, moral, and aesthetic needs of the District's students. The Guidance Department firmly believes in educating the whole student and recognizes the individual components that work together on an ever changing basis to form the student we see in our school.
To email a staff member, please use their first initial and last name followed by (Jon Smith = [email protected])
Students should make appointments to see their counselors by completing an appointment request form found online, in homerooms, and in the guidance office. Parents can make appointments for seeing their child's counselor by calling or emailing the office.